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Choose a Best Audio Format for your Music Player

Audio formats are available in many variations. AIFF is best for CD-burning. The best format is WAV for the perfectionist. iTunes’ AAC format is exclusive to Apple’s “i” Series Players. Reduce the size of your MP3 files by converting it to WMA. Although MP3 files are compatible with most Music Players, it is not our preferred format.

Different audio formats have different purposes. Some players support MP3 while others are incompatible. e.g. Apple iPods (iTouch Classic, Shuffle, and Nano) can be converted to AAC/M4A/AC3, AIFF or WAV. Reduce the size of your MP3 files by converting it to WMA. Convert MP3 files to AIFF format for burning CDs. Convert AAC into MP3 to play on MP3 player. etc. In our daily entertainment, we use audio conversion to create audio.

MP3 files are compatible with most Music Players, but they’re not our preferred format. Which format do you prefer?

MP3 is a digital standard that can be used on any device, portable or desktop. It’s still the most popular music format on the planet. WMA (Windows Media Audio), when converted to MP3 quality, will take up about half as much space. WMA songs can fit about four hours worth of music onto a compact flash card with 128MB. I’ve tried the song with half the bitrate (128 MP3=64WMA). The quality is nearly the same at half the size. The WMA files sound better at 64kbps. High compression ratio gives it an advantage. The only downside is that the MP3 files rip almost twice as quickly as WMA files.

WMA doesn’t seem to be bad. If the bit rate goes above 192K then MP3 is going to beat WMA. WMA, on the other hand is highly protected, WMA has been used to prevent copyright infringement. Which one is it? All depends. If you are a guy who is concerned about the size of your device and want to have as much music, WMA would be your best choice mp3 download.

You should now be able to select the best format for your music player. How to convert audio to music player format?

1. Download Audio Converter – Video Sharer. Register and install. 2. You can convert audio files by uploading them to the “Convert” page. “Profile” contains almost all of the formats. You can also edit the song to shorten it. 3. You can start the conversion process by clicking “Convert”, and then click “Open”. The converted files will appear. You can then transfer music to various players via USB.